Determine current DNS resolver service

to flush/clean DNS , have to know your DNS resolver service cat /etc/resolv.conf «systemd-resolve» and «systemd-resolved» ARE NOT THE SAME «systemd-resolve» is a command line tool for interacting with the «systemd-resolved» service and «systemd-resolved» is the actual DNS resolver service sudo systemd-resolve –flush-caches sudo […]

Cisco Packet Tracer 8.2 (64 bit)

Download resource cd Downloads sudo dpkg -i filename.deb #run following command if there is some error during installation sudo apt –fix-broken install #to fix some error during installation about dependencies , run following sudo apt install -f to launch the packet or simply […]


stdin and stdout for linux using cowsay tool … To generate a 10 digits random number #to get a 10 digits random number in terminal shuf -i 1000000000-9999999999 -n 1 #to execute it 5 times add a for loop for i in {1..5}; do […]