launch VIM from Command Prompt windows 10

after instal vim , there is a problem to launch vim from command prompt

we have to add a path to our user variables , first have to find folder where is our vim executable …

go to «environment variables»

edit «path» in user variables , ADD the folder where is you vim executable (there many other paths inside )

Determine current DNS resolver service

to flush/clean DNS , have to know your DNS resolver service

cat /etc/resolv.conf

«systemd-resolve» and «systemd-resolved» ARE NOT THE SAME

«systemd-resolve» is a command line tool for interacting with the «systemd-resolved» service and «systemd-resolved» is the actual DNS resolver service

now you can see DNS cache information , you can use this command «systemd-resolve –statistics»

sudo systemd-resolve –flush-caches

sudo systemctl restart systemd-resolved

these two commands fusl complety DNS cache ,

after run two commands above

Cisco Packet Tracer 8.2 (64 bit)

Download resource

cd Downloads

sudo dpkg -i filename.deb

#run following command if there is some error during installation

sudo apt –fix-broken install

#to fix some error during installation about dependencies , run following

sudo apt install -f

to launch the packet or simply run it in programms (superkey+a )


for first time launch app , (skill for all option , green option )require login , «back» and then redirect to a browser tab , note that there are options below «login with google or cisco» , choose login with «cisco» and use «cisco» already ( for download its been required ) registered account …